
Directors Renk & Tom van Koevorden shared the start of their passion and vision for the future of the company.

twin brothers Tom and Renk from Brooks Motors in a garage

Brooks Motors is founded by twin brothers Tom and Renk. As children, they were already inspired by classic cars. At the age of 14 they started restoring their midcentury icons; a mini classic and a series 3 109″.

When we founded the company, we were mainly focussing on the restoration and trading of these timeless machines. This gave us an incredible boost to work as hard as possible and it gave us much satisfaction. Then the idea of 0to60 film evolved. After different assignments with various satisfied customers we decided to make 0to60 a part of the company. Helping other companies by boosting their promotion campaign is nothing but great.

We believe in the importance of driving. Enhancing and sharing these simple, honest, utilitarian and timeless machines. Driving a classic car is not about getting from A to B, it’s about the journey in between. Our cars don’t drive themselves; you must handle each car with its own care and instruction. It is not very different from working, only this gives you the feeling of freedom like you never felt before. As Brooks Motors we want to give you and those around you the same experience by creating and sharing these memories.

Take a moment, calm down and leave your worries at home. Do whatever you need to take care of before you get out on the road. Now you’re able to feel the taste of real freedom. From now on, everything is about you and the machine underneath. You’re only several inches away from the road surface. The screaming engine is just behind the other side of the dash. At this moment, the only thing of importance is the next curve. Separate what’s important and what is not, Live the signal and loose the noise.

Welcome to the Brooks family,

Renk & Tom van Koevorden