Oil type and capacity guide Land Rover's
Oil type and capacity guide Land Rover's

“The Ultimate Land Rover Oil Guide: From 1970s Classics to 2016 Defenders.”

Our oil recommendation guide was created to help Land Rover owners find the right oil for their vehicle, covering models from the early 1970s up to the latest Defenders built through 2016. Whether you’re driving a classic or a more recent model, the guide simplifies the search by clearly listing the recommended oil type and specifications for each model. Our goal is to make maintenance easy and reliable, so your Land Rover gets the performance and protection it deserves.

Engine block

Transfer case typesOil recommendationlink to oilCapacityFilters+ service partsimportant notesservice interval
Disco 200tdi 12L15W40 7,85L incl. filteroil: Mann W930/20 or Mahle OC26110.000 km or 12 months
TD5 “5w30 ford WSS-M2C913-B
(API CF / SN)”
fuel: BOSCH  1 457 434 329   (N4329)
air: BOSCH  1 457 433 549 (S3549)
10.000 km or 12 months
2.8 GTV (based on 300tdi)15W40 CI-4 semi or full synthetic6.5L incl. filteroil: Mann W930/20 or Mahle OC261
fuel: bosch 0 450 906 172
air: ESR2623
V-belt: STC4096″
10.000 km or 12 months
2.2 tdci“5w30 ford WSS-M2C913-B
(API CF / SN)”
MOTOR OIL 5W-30 PREMIUM SYNTHETIC FUEL CONSERVING FORD7.0L incl. filter15.000 km or 24 months


Gearbox types Oil recommendationlink to oilCapacityFilters+ service partsimportant notesservice interval
LT77ATF Dextron 2D
also possible:
MTF94 (=75W80 API GL-4)
2.6L (overlflow)clean the filter with the big bolt underneath
ATF Dextron 2D
Drop the MTL and put in ATF Dextron 2D If the shifts are hard because of the the synchros, a lighter fluid helps.
2.5L (overflow)
Gertrag MT82

(all PUMA def.)
75W-90 API GL-4
(was BOT130M and later BOT328)
Castrol TRANSMAX Manual Multivehicle 75W-90 API GL-42.4L from new
2.2L for refill
do not use GL-5!
it’s not a fill or overflow type!
can not be measured, only empty and refill again.
LR: 200.000KM

We were curious whether lifting the back of the Land Rover would level out the MT82 gearbox and allow us to adjust the oil level accurately. Unfortunately, this approach didn’t work, as we still couldn’t see the oil level even after checking inside with a camera.

Transfer cases

Transfer case typesOil recommendationlink to oilCapacityFilters+ service partsimportant notesservice interval
LT2302.3L (overflow)
LT230Q 80w90 API GL-42.3L (overflow)
LT230QRS75W-90 or 80W/90 with API GL-5 (or GL-4) with the MIL-L-2105 spec  – kroon oil SP GEAR 1011 Premium MTF
– Castrol TRANSMAX Universal 75w-90 API GL4/ GL5″
2.3L (overflow)LR: 80.000

Axles, swivels, etc.

typeOil recommendationlink to oilCapacityFilters+ service partsimportant notesservice interval
Front and rear axle80w90 GL-4 10.000 km or 12 months

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